We LOVE what we do. And through it all we have stayed earnest in our love for providing people with simple, natural, ethical skincare that truly helps your skin thrive. We hope you feel welcome here - let’s learn together how to embrace exactly who we are AND have glowing skin whilst doing so ~
A mother just wanted to heal her daughters skin. And she did exactly that. How ? This is our story of how we accidentally fell into building a natural skincare business.
Many moons ago now, Julies daughter Bea was really struggling with eczema and it was beginning to have a negative impact on her time at school. One day she decided enough was enough. She threw away everything she had tried on her daughter’s skin previously and she went headlong into researching about natural alternatives. At the time, turning to natural was a last resort option ~ little did we know it would also be the best!
Julie began researching into methods that different tribes and indigenous cultures around the world used on their skin. She found that they didn’t use peels or harsh ingredients or steroid creams. They used what was accessible to them and genuinely simple, paired back ingredients that were as close to nature as possible. Oils that are naturally high in all the vitamins our skin needs in order to thrive. What was the one reoccurring factor with these cultures? They all had healthy glowing skin.
To Julies surprise after using what was available in her kitchen cupboards ~ Bea’s skin quickly improved. Was there a coincidence between stopping the use of all the non natural ingredients and her skin healing ? We don’t think so. Our skin THRIVES when we give it exactly what it needs and that is often far more simple than we think.
Many people began noticing how Bea’s skin had transformed and started asking for Julies help. Without really knowing how, she set about making the products available to the wider public. Soaps along with a few other products in small batches were now being made from our dining room table that had been overtaken by soap making equipment.
12 years later we have had the extreme blessing of scaling up a few times more. We have now found a new home for love to b in a factory just outside of our Ringwood town. We are still a family run business with a very small and close-knit team of 10. Who would’ve thought it all these years later.
We believe strongly in the power of taking care of your skin with products that actually feed it what it needs. Natural simple goodness. As we have grown we have tried our best to stay consistently earnest in our love for providing you with amazing skincare products. We love our business and we hope you do too.